Ignou DELED 2nd Year Assignment 2020

Ignou DELED 2nd Year Assignment 2020 - You can find & download here Assignment of Indira Gandhi National Open University (Ignou) Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed.) ✓ BES-016 ✓ BES-017 ✓ BES-012 ✓ BES-016 ✓ BES-018 ✓ BES-019 ✓ BES-020 second year for academic session January 2020 & July 2020.


Answer the following questions in about 1500 words.

1.Identify the sources of stress in your work place. Explain how much SWOT tool helps you to manage stress. (500 words)
2.As a teacher, what is the nature of the conflict that you have observed most frequently in classrooms? Identify the tools that would help you in analyzing the conflict and describe the steps that you adopted in solving them. (500 words)
3.Prepare a self report on your career as a teacher and highlight your strengths and weaknesses. (500 words)


Answer the following questions in about 1500 words.

1.Explain the ways to make effective school - community participation with suitable examples. (500 words)
2. Describe the support factors needed to practice teacher leadership in schools. (500 words)
3. Suggest the strategies you will adopt to manage the challenges of pluralistic classroom. (500 words)


Answer the following questions in about 1500 words.

1.Explain the different representative values viz: mode, mean (average) and median with examples. (500 words)
2.Discuss the various level of geometric thinking proposed by Van-Hiele. What are the implications of these levels for classroom practices at primary level? (500 words)
3.a) “Activity based mathematics classrooms has great relevance in the constructivist approach of learning”. Discuss the statement with reference to activity based learning and constructivist classrooms.
b)Provide some addition problems to children of your class and observe how they arrive at answers. Whether children are making use of their creativity in finding answers? Prepare a report and also suggest two activities that may enhance creativity of children of primary classes. (500 words)


Answer the following questions in about 1500 words.

1.How integrated approach can be used for organizing Social Science curriculum? Explain it with examples. (500 words)
2.How can you teach Social Science by using children’s understanding? Explain it with example keeping in view the constructivist approach of teaching Social Science. (500 words)
3.Select a theme/topic of Social Science that you teach to the students and prepare a lesson plan on it. (500 words)


Answer the following questions in about 1500 words.

1. “Science is a creative endeavour”, how will you explain this statement to your class? Suggest the activities you would like to organize in your classroom to justify this statement. (500 words)
2.Plan an activity to demonstrate and explain any one of the following topics in your classroom:
a.Human digestive system
b.Corrosion on metals
c.Reflection of light
Prepare a report focusing on nature of activity, participation of children and its effectiveness in explaining the topic. (500 words)
3.Identify a chapter/theme from an elementary class science text book (class VI-VIII). Prepare a plan based on 5-E approach for practicing constructivist teaching-learning in your classroom. (500 words)


Answer the following questions in about 500 words.

1.Explain the role of literature in second language acquisition. Select a drama lesson from the syllabus and rewrite the dialogues in a different way (prediction). (500 words)
2.What are the parameters to be kept in mind when assessing the speaking skills? Prepare a test for assessing the speaking skills of your learners using these parameters. (500 words)
3.Discuss the role of teachers in facilitating L2 (English) learning of the under privileged learners. (500 words)

Ignou DELED 2nd Year Assignment 2020 Ignou DELED 2nd Year Assignment 2020 Reviewed by Vritee on 08:04 Rating: 5

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